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Desert Mountains


We are all told, “live your life to the fullest”;

I am here to do just that.

Lessons Learned serves as a vessel to project my failures, my successes and clue in my loyal readers as to what lessons life has taught me on this crazy journey.  

Some of us are still learning; and yes I’m one of them too. I’ve learned the best lesson of all is to find humour where you can and to let the other shit go ...So, sit back, relax, and read on.

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Lesson Learned: Living in fear is not living at all

The past 16 months has been anything but easy for pretty much anyone not living under a rock. I have tried my best to stay away from all...

Lesson Learned: go find the wild child and wise woman

I often wonder about the things or people who have come before me, the ancestors and family from whom my DNA sprang up. I mean, yes , I...

Lesson Learned: Accept help when its offered

I am notorious for saying " no, thats ok, I can do it myself"..... I have never liked putting people out or feeling dependent on...

Lesson Learned: Honour your feelings- they don't lie

There are circumstances in our lives where we will put up with things, situations, issues or even people out of a sense of obligation or...

Lesson Learned: New Normal

When I was in my mid-forties, I noticed a remarkable number of similarities among my friends all with some version of the same story....

Happy International Women's Day

When you think of a strong woman, what picture comes to mind? You might see her as bold and fearless. Full of confidence and knows...

Lessons Learned: Self Worth

Admitting a funny mistake, rewinding the blooper reel is a great way to open up a conversation with someone or to maybe even explore a...

Lesson Learned: Pay attention

I had no idea which of my hundreds of mistakes I could use to begin this blog journey; but I spun the wheel and decided on the Lesson...

Being hit in the head with a brick, repeatedly

Are we ever really too old to learn something new? Probably not, at least I would like to think that the lessons that life teaches us...

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