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Writer's pictureNancy Bonadie Waters

Lesson Learned: Honour your feelings- they don't lie

There are circumstances in our lives where we will put up with things, situations, issues or even people out of a sense of obligation or a sense of duty or a false belief of guilt--- we will decide to be ok with something that really really(!) isn't ok.

Maybe it once was, but then suddenly a feeling hits you like a Mack truck knocking you down; it's in that moment that you find the backbone and maybe for some of us, we find our true selves.

Of course, I would love to have the perfect example of this moment of enlightenment that led to some kind of Instagram filter of clarity and life's purpose being revealed -- but alas all I have is some shitty story of something that happened to me recently.

Or more accurately, something that I have allowed to continue to happen to me.

Once upon a time, there was a people pleasing princess.... oh fuck that... so there I was again feeling completely disrespected and watching someone else claim accolades for something I had done well. And there I was again, being silent and seething with anger on the inside and feeling quite victimized. Of course no one but me knew this because I was smiling and agreeing and being quite wonderful on the outside ( yeah...wonderful)

And this time, I spoke up and backed up my opinion with facts and truth and lost the emotion.

And in doing so, I lost the will to fight for something that did not deserve me anymore. And what a wonderfully freeing moment that was to walk away.

What actually happened isn't as important as what I felt and what I learned from the situation. I didn't want to continue to attract more of the same pattern over and over and I didn't want to be in a state of duality anymore--choosing an intolerable situation while smiling like everything was perfect.

But most importantly, I realized my own worth and decided to learn the lesson.


Then....I forgave myself for all the times I settled for something I should never have accepted. Big one!

The moment we realize our own value, we get disgusted ( hmmm... maybe saddened a bit too) when we reminisce about what we settled for. Certain things or people or situations become intolerable to our liking .... ( oh yes its perfectly ok to not like something or someone) then perspective on life changes for the better.

We become a new person; not the same soul and that's also perfectly ok. We are a work in progress at all times.

So what was the big AHA moment ? It was a disagreement over a business decision. A small one.

One that felt like deja vu to me.

It wasn't so much the content of the disagreement; it was the repeated feeling of being ignored, disprescted and de-valued.

In the grand context of life, it was a tiny needle in a huge haystack but it mattered. In that moment it mattered and I just didn't want to allow the repeating pattern to continue. There was not going to be consensus on that business decision and not because I am a stubborn bitch and the other person is a hard head but because the nature of the disagreement wasn't as important as the feeling of honouring my heart and truth.

I knew I did my very best and when its over , its over. I walked away. And that's ok too.

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29 mar 2021

Disrespect can be contagious. If you respect yourself you will command more respect from others. You may be able to let someone "off the hook" for a one off. Once you allow it repeatedly you join them in by opening your own door of disrespect to others. Forgive maybe but forget never.

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